Some may argue that it is unsafe for the router to be powered directly by a PC's power-supply particularly when using an Aux switch to cut it's power.
Some may be right, but I've built several this way and used them for a couple years without any problems. Nevertheless, if it goes up in smoke the risk is at your own expense - I'm not your mother, a doctor, or a firefighter. If you're worried - connect a fuse to your aux switch.
Wiring the switch is actually pretty easy as long as things aren't too cluttered. It also helps if you have a spare male-molex power connector available so you can easily disconnect/reconnect the router's power later if necessary.
It is suggested to do some reading about the power-rails used in a PATA power connection in a standard PC ATX power-supply so you have an understanding of which wires are which. You should also make note of the power-output of the router's power-adapter so you know how much power it uses, this is likely also displayed on the router itself.
Assembling your power-connection is pretty straight forward. The existing power-adapter consists of an adapter-box, 1 wire (made up of 2 separate wires), and the power-connector (small, usually round, connects to router).
The adapter-box must be cut off/removed. The remaining wire and power-connector will be connected to the POC's power supply and Aux switch in a "series circuit" allowing you to cut power to the router by using the aux switch to break the circuit. Although the power-supply's molex PATA power connector consists of 4 wires, we will only be using 2 of them.
The Yellow wire is 12 volts, the Red wire is 5 volts, and the Black wires are grounds. Depending on the required power-input for the router you will use either the Yellow and Black or the Red and Black wires respectively.
- Connect one of the wires from the router's power-connector to one of the black wires on the molex connector - coming from the power-supply, this is your ground.
- Connect the remaining wire to one of the connection-tabs on your aux switch.
- Using an additional piece of wire, connect the other connection-tab on the aux switch to either the yellow or red wire on the molex connector depending on the power-rating of your router. Click here to see a diagram.
- This is referred to as a 'series circuit' and if connected properly will allow you to cut power to the router by flicking the aux switch.
[ Hardware assembly with auxiliary switch ]